This third workshop on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms follows the success of the first workshop held in conjunction with PACT 2008 in Toronto, and the second workshop held in conjuction with PACT 2009 in Raleigh, which incorporated the biennial Workshop on Parallel Bioinspired Algorithms, first edition held in Oslo, 2005 (together with IEEE ICPP), and second edition in London 2007 (together with ACM GECCO 2007). The aim is to join a larger number of researchers interested in the synergies arising from different but related fields: Parallel Computer Architectures, Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Bioinspired Algorithms. The interaction among researchers within these fields is becoming usual. On one hand, parallel architecture designers, and in general, system designers are starting to bear in mind Bioinspired Algorithms as general optimization tools. These algorithms comprise a set of heuristics that can help to optimize a wide range of tasks required for Parallel and Distributed Architectures to work efficiently: balancing computer load, fault-tolerance and dependability, thermal-aware design, NoC design, and other related problems. On the other hand, the application of Bioinspired Algorithm to solve real-world problems has shown that they need high computation power. Parallel Architectures and Distributed Systems have offered an interesting alternative to sequential counterparts since improvements on parallel architectures are allowing running computing intensive Bioinspired Algorithms for solving many difficult engineering problems.
Topics of interest are P2P, cluster and grid computing, cloud computing, GPUs implementation of Bioinspired Algorithms, to name but a few. Therefore, any effort for increasing the relationship between both fields would be very welcome by the community. This workshop will gather scientists, engineers, and practitioners to share and exchange their experiences, discuss challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress research on all aspects of the answer to two questions: What can Bioinspired Algorithms do for Parallel Computer Architectures? And what can Parallel Computer Architectures do for Bioinspired Algorithms?
You are invited to submit a paper with unpublished original work for this workshop. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in the workshop proceedings. Extended versions of the best papers that will be presented in PABA 2010, will be published either by Springer as an edited book volume or in a special issue of an international journal (to be announced).
The topics include, but are not limited to: