Here you can find information about different special issues and Books we are involved:
– New Special Issue on “Evolutionary Algorithms on Parallel Architectures and Distributed Infrastructures” – International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications - SAGE Journals . The purpose of this special issue will be to provide a reference of the state-of-the-art in the synergies arising from two different but related fields: Parallel and Distributed Infrastructures and Evolutionary Computation. More info. You can also see the CFP.
– New Special Issue on Parallel Bioinspired Algorithms on the Grid and Cloud – Journal of Grid Computing (2014) - Springer . This Special Issue on Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms on Grid and Cloud includes extended version of selected papers presented at the last three EvoPar Conferences.
– New Book – Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2013, Madrid, Spain, September 17-20, 2013. Editors: Concha Bielza, Antonio Salmerón, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, J. Ignacio Hidalgo, Luis Martínez, Alicia Troncoso, Emilio Corchado, Juan M. Corchado
ISBN: 978-3-642-40642-3 (Print) 978-3-642-40643-0 (Online)
-- New Book -- "Parallel Architectures and Bio-inpired Algorithms" Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer
-- Special Issue on Parallel Architectures and Bio-inspired Algorithms --
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 25, Wiley. This special issue includes the extended version of selected papers presented at the fourth Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms Workshop held in Galveston Island (TX, USA) on October 14, 2011 in conjunction with Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT).
-- Special Issue on Parallel Architectures and Bio-inspired Algorithms -- International Journal of High Performance System Architecture: Volume 1 - Issue 4 - 2008
-- Special Issue Evolutionary Computation and Related Metaheuristics -- International Journal of Data Mining Modeling and Management, 2013 Vol. 5 No. 4, Inderscience Publishers. This special issue presents new research lines that cover both novelty EC and related
metaheuristics methods and complex applications in different domains. The purpose is to
describe in depth some of the most interesting work in this field rather than to attempt a
complete or exhausted classification of new EC methods and applications.
-- New Book -- "Parallel Architectures and Bio-inpired Algorithms" Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer
– Special Issue on Parallel Architectures and Bio-inspired Algorithms – Parallel Computing, Volume 36, Issues 10-11 (2010) - Elsevier